1.1 Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students and how these may affect learning.

To get to know students we must first value them for their uniqueness. Effective pedagogy understands that compliant and defiant students are equals. Be it because they have experienced trauma or their brain is simply wired differently, they are doing their absolute best just to be at school. It is always worth taking an interest in who they are and what drives them in both the good and the bad ways. Take a moment at the start of the day and after lunch to let the class come back to being the class if they have had a rough morning or a difficult lunch take the time to listen, let them feel heard let them feel like they belong. If the preps are missing home give them the hug they are needing, if the grade 6’s are worried about starting secondary sit with them hold the space and talk it through. Effective pedagogy is valuing a student’s experience and supporting them through the tricky times so they can return to a receptive place where they are ready to learn.

In the above journal reflection from professional experience, I talk about working one on one with a student during reading and modifying my approach to successfully engage him in the text he was reading. This illustrates how getting to know your students is key to engaging them in their own learning.